Carod también avanzó que el tripartito está ultimando lo que denomina Ley de Calidad Eléctrica, que precisamente tendrá como principal objetivo evitar más macroapagones como el del 23 de julio. Este proyecto de ley tiene que establecer nuevos métodos para controlar la red eléctrica, más inspecciones y mejorar la calidad del servicio. Todo ello sólo 24 horas después de que Hereu se mostrara «preocupado» por la eficiencia del suministro cuando la gran mayoría de los ciudadanos regresen de sus vacaciones en los próximos días. Según el alcalde, hasta febrero se pueden registrar diversos cortes de una hora de duración.
El vicepresidente catalán también anunció que Fecsa-Endesa «tiene que presentar antes del 15 de octubre su plan de inversiones en Cataluña» y aseguró que «con la nueva ley queremos aprovechar la nueva normativa estatal y el nuevo Estatut, se hará rozando todos los límites que se tengan que alcanzar».
Sobre el verano de colapso continuo de las infraestructuras catalanas, Carod volvió a esgrimir los mismos argumentos del tripartito durante las últimas semanas: «es fruto de dinámicas negativas que arrastramos desde hace años y ahora pagamos las consecuencias, ya que cuando se está 25 años invirtiendo poco y mal llega un momento que esto se colapsa».
Por su parte, el presidente de la Generalitat, José Montilla, presidió ayer el gabinete de crisis del tripartito y decidió pedir al consejero de Obras Públicas, Joaquim Nadal, un mapa de las infraestructuras catalanas para analizar la situación actual y también reclamar al Ministerio de Fomento una mayor inversión ferroviaria en Cataluña. El mapa de infraestructuras, según Carod, «ha de reflejar la realidad de la ejecución, los calendarios de licitación y los vacíos de realización, no licitados pero si necesarios».
1 comment:
It is interesting to note that they are right who regard the dream as foretelling the future.. At last this state of things grew awkward.. If you will oblige me by the loan of an umbrella, I will go myself.. It was a good pup, was that Andrew Jackson, and would have made a name for hisself if he'd lived, for the stuff was in him and he had genius--I know it, because he hadn't no opportunities to speak of, and it don't stand to reason that a dog could make such a fight as he could under them circumstances if he hadn't no talent.. Why is a--a--a--like a--a--a--? Give it up? Because it's a--a--a--a. He had that rare power of transmitting something of his own enjoyments.. Oh, sir! how could you? Indeed, sir. Wait a minute, and I will get it for you.. Little cases, boxes, caskets, closets, and stoves correspond to the female part.. But impassive of his victory, he inflated his chest, with his right hand in the breast of his buttoned coat, and began.. Two hundred yards from the drift into which she had jumped there was a turn in the road, where some trees shut off the sight, and the deacon's anxiety increased momentarily until he reached this point.. You don't 'member Uncle Mose, child? This is Aunt Cindy's Mose, Lydia, explained the Major.. Me an' Marg't sleeps in one, an' we're a-gittin' too old fer a shake-down on th' floor.. He decided that he really had no excuse for coming any nearer.. Or, at any rate, he had helped to make him all this; he had booked him well and given him his opportunity.. The dream process has now terminated the second part of its repeatedly impeded course. The driver replied that he had just come for two ladies and a gentleman whom he had brought from the Astor House.. You've got the hull house fer a week, an' o' course all th' money that's tooken in is your'n.. The angle of inclination toward each other became more and more pronounced.. It is probable that the principle of pain first regulates the displacements of occupation automatically, but it is quite possible that the consciousness of these qualities adds a second and more subtle regulation which may even oppose the first and perfect the working capacity of the apparatus by placing it in a position contrary to its original design for occupying and developing even that which is connected with the liberation of pain...
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